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To ensure safe, quality water, the City of Eugene/EWEB and most water districts require their customers to have an approved backflow protection device and an annual test on their irrigation system and household water systems. All fire sprinkler systems and restaurants with carbonation piping need to have the test as well.
Backflow Resources:
EWEB - Backflow Prevention Information
FEBCO Backflow Prevention Products
AMES Fire & Waterworks
American Waterworks Association
Watts Water Technologies
Wilkins Water Control Products
Apollo Valves
Terra Nova Landscape & Irrigation dba Terra Nova Backflow
PO Box 40665 Eugene OR 97404
Admin & Billing: - 541-972-2616
Services: - 541-731-4045
Licensed, Insured, and Bonded (OR LCB 8223 • ODHS 4945)
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